Monday, November 10, 2008

Books, Books, and More Books

As of late, I have been reading a new book (or series) every week. My friends and I have been sharing recommendations, so I just decided to write them down.

First is Austenland by Shannon Hale. I finished this book yesterday and it is soo amazingly good, I could not put it down. It is about a girl who is obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, so her aunt sends her to a place in England where you can live like a Jane Austen character. So funny and cute, loved it.

The next book I have to share is the Artemis Fowl series. These books are beyond good. they are about a criminal mastermind who discovers something that the smartest person on earth couldn't dream of, which gets him in alot of trouble. Very enthralling, keeps you interested the whole time.


The pendragon book series is a series that I have been reading for years. They are fantastic, amazing, captivating, witty, and everything else in the book. Love 'em.
If you have any other book recommendations, please comment and I will read them and get back to you.


Janelle said...

You read too much. Go get in trouble or something. Wasn't there a book that stephani Meyer suggested? Read it and tell me if I should. :) Smarty pants.

Unknown said...

I read so many books how can I pick out just one of them to suggest?! Jk! Another really good book is Lightning Theif. I also want to read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.(Stephenie Meyer recommended it on her website)If you find it let me know, I looked for it at Borders and couldn't find it!

Unknown said...

Wow, that was a really long comment! :)

Victoria Renae said...

I wanna read Hunger Games sooo bad! It looks good, but IDK if its appropriate. Read the lightning Theif series, loved 'em. um, Sosa, i'm the one who lent u the 4th book in that series, my dear.

Courtney said...

That thump in the head really hurt {sad puppy face}

Kellie said...

Hey Victoria! For some reason, I think I accidentally fixed my settings so no one can comment! Argh! How do I get it so they can comment again? Haha. By the way, I wanted to read that in the school library?

kemra said...

I loved Austenland too! Very cute!

Only a few more days until Twilight - but I'm pretty sure you already knew that!

BTW, your hair is darling! I love it!

kemra said...

Oh yeah, and I would love to invite you to my blog - but I need your email!

Victoria Renae said...

Kellie- Austenland is in the schoo library.

Sis. Nelson- i think I already gave you my email, but I'll check just to be sure.

Courtney said...


Courtney said...

POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh (inside joke) and go read the comments on Samantha's newest post. Samantha and i had an online arguement thingy over how to spell and type fast.... I think i won!! AS always.