Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I got this idea from my Aunt Jacque
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Re-copy these directions to your blog and post it.

Please do memories that won't embarass me..... ya right! :)

12-12 baby!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 4 of Utah

Well, we made it! (Triumphant music.) After almost 12 hours in the car, we made it to Brianhead. I'm on my Aunt's computer right now, so I can't upload any pictures, but I can tell you about it. When we got there and checked out our condo, I nearly flipped. it was soooo hacken awesome! We had a loft, two bathrooms, a balcony, and tons of movies. It even came with a (outdated ) video game system. We went on the most ginormous ski lift, went shopping, and basically hung for three days. Today we got to spend the day with my Great Grandma, who is honestly the most amazing person on this planet. She is 89 years old and tells the most interesting stories. About half an hour ago, we arrived in my Great-Aunt's apartment where I snuck on the computer. I'll update again when I get back.

On an un-related note, BREAKING DAWN COMES OUT IN 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohmyheck I am sooo excited! But guess what- we are going to be in Utah when it comes out, and my mom has to read it first! (Sob!) I think I'm going to die, no exaggerations. Oh well.

12-12 baby!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Why So Serious?

AAAHHHH! Today me, Sarah, and Ashlyn went and saw The Dark Knight. It was sooo undeniably freaky and cool. I don't recommend the movie for anyone under 10, cause there were some pretty scary and gruesome parts. I am so excited and am probably gonna see it again tomorrow. It was that cool.

I hope all ya'lls get to go see it, cause it was hackin awesome!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sorry everyone. I'm such a quitter and have given up on the whole " 30 reason's why Twilight rocks." thing. It's not that I can't think of any reasons, but I'm too busy to post everyday!

Here are some of the things I have done this summer:

1. Courtney and Samantha came over and we had a five hour long water gun war in my pool.

2. Ashlyn and I went to my Grandparent's ranch outside of Show Low, and we had a blast!
We rode fourwheelers, went to see Wall E (which was great by the way!), and played pool so much our hands froze in the position of the pool stick!

3.We went up to the ranch again the next weekend with all my cousins, and it was awesome! We went to a rodeo, had a huge party, and used a slip' n 'slide in 80 degree weather while it was raining! So hackin' cold!
Sorry I can't get pics for some reason I'm going to try again when my mother gets home!
See ya'll later!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

His Golden eyes.....

I'm back!!!!!!! We had soooo much fun! We went to my grandparent's rach up outside of Show Low, and had a blast! We went to a rodeo, where we watched fireworks, and I got to hang with Allison and Melissa Fox for a sec. It was great!

So, back to business.
Reason number 26:
Edward's eyes are golden. Tell me, who else has golden eyes? (Rhetorical question, I don't want to know if anyone else has golden eyes. That would make Edward's eyes a heck of a lot less awesome. )

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle.....

Reason Number 29:

Edward sparkels. Who doesn't want a boyfriend who sparkles?

P.S. To all my readers, I will be out of town until Sunday, so when I get back I'll pick it up at number 28!

12-12 baby!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thirty Days and Counting!!!!!!

It's official! The soon-to-be best book in the world, Breaking Dawn, is coming out in thirty days! So, every day until the book, I am going to post a new reason why I love Twilight/Edward/anyhting relating to that subject. (With the exception of Jacob Black, whom I hate with every fiber of my being.) So, here we go!

Reason Number Thirty:
Edward is
Perfect. No further explanation needed.

12-12 baby!