Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter Break

Sorry for not posting for a while guys. Its not like I've been really busy, cause I haven't. Just really lazy. :) I had a great Christmas, and I got a new guitar. Still learning, but I'm getting there. :P

The Saturday before Christmas, our family went to Castles 'n' Coasters, an Amusement park in Phoenix. I had so much fun! It was soo fun, and I have tons of pictures. this is me and Cameron on a log ride. I screamed sooo loud!!!!!

The next one is me, Cam and my dad on a ride that takes you back and forth, like the little tick-y thing of a clock. We were soo scared!!!!

The most horrific ride we went on was called the Skydiver. It is one of those rides that takes you high up (120 feet to be exact ) and then drops you. My dad made me and Cam go on it. I almost frickin peed my pants. This is a picture of us during our fall.

I was ssooo mad, I didn't talk to anyone on our way up. My brother screamed like a girl (as always) and my dad was pretty scared, too. I hope you guys can zoom on the picture, cause it is priceless. Click on it, it is soo funny!

One last ride we went on was called Desert Storm. A Double loop roller-coaster. One word- Wow. it was soo amazingly cool, my brother and I went on it 8 times in a row. 8 times. This is us in the middle of a loop.

If you got his far, I apologize for you having to listen to my rambling. Hope you had (have) a great break!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

I've been tagged from my friend Samantha, who is part awesome, part silly, part really-cool-friend. :P

I thought it would be a good idea to do a Christmas tag where you list 5 of your favorite things about this time of year, it doesn't have to be Christmas related, it can be anything about winter!! You also can list 5 things your grateful for! After your done, you can tag 3 people of your choice!!

Here are my favorite things about Christmas:

1. I love spending time with all my friends and family!

2. I love sitting around the table with my family at a big dinner and stuffing my face.

3. I love the warm feeling I get celebrating Christ's birth and being able to spend a whole month thinking of him.

4. I also love giving gifts, and sometimes gettin a little somthin as well! :)

5. Decorating our Christmas tree, and waking up Christmas morning. Running to the tree and getting that feeling in your stomach when you find out there really was a gift you didn't know about. Momma didn't lie!

Things I am grateful for:

1. My family.

2.My Mom and Dad, I don't know what I would do without them!

3. My house- and my fantastic bedroom. it is my hiding place, and my own little reading room.

4. How blessed I am to have the gospel in my life-I would be lost without it.

5. Last, but not least, I am grateful for all my wonderful friends, and how they are always supporting me and helping me no matter what.

I tag: Sarah, My mom, and my Aunt Janelle!!

(P.S. Don't forget to post the rules on your blog!!)