Monday, October 6, 2008

Post for a Friend

O.K. guys, I was inspired to do a weekly update on each of my friends. I will list things I like about them, things I admire, etc.

This week, it is going to be Samantha. This is one person I know I can look to no matter what. She never gets caught up in the drama, and is such a peace maker. Samantha's the girl who will stick with you til the end, even when you're stuck in the concrete forest and have lost all hope. (If you don't already know, just don't ask.) Not to mention she was the only one who stuck with me in my whole, "Jacob Black is the reason for the apocalypse/end of the world I hate him" phase. :) She rocks, and has awesome ninja reflexes. I know that if I ever have a problem, this girl is the one to go to.

Samantha is the fetchin nicest person ever! Last week, she either said something or playfully hit someone, I can't remember, but then later she told me, "I fell so bad, like I should go apologize or something." I laughed. Hard. She is so sweet and will always stick up for a friend.

Love you Samantha!

P.S. That is licorice in her mouth, by the way.


Unknown said...

I'm sitting here blushing!!!! (I know you are laughing, don't stop on my account) What would I do with out you? You are the best!!
Love you!!!
P.S.Concrete forests are scary, don't you think?

Jadyn Maree said...

I totally agree! Samanca is so amazing!