Thursday, September 18, 2008


What? I've been tagged? I've just been informed by my good friend Sarah that I have been tagged, so here I go:

So here's the deal: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 regrets, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

2.Being with my friends and family
3.playing piano - not practicing, but by choice
1.K.J. and crickets (If you havent heard yet, just don't ask.)
2. The possibility that Stephenie Meyer might not finish Midnight Sun
3. something happening to my family
GOAL... get all A's this year! go to ASU (Hecks Yeah go Devils!)
3. to become a vampire while I'm still young (like, 18 or 19)
1.Quiting piano lessons
2. Yelling at K.J. (He put a cricket in my backpack after that. I kid you not)
3.Cutting my hair
1.EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!!!!!
2.Reading (Twilight mostly)
3.Watching movies (Or the Twilight trailer... that counts, right?)
Facts about me...
1. I have curly hair and blue eyes
2. I have an adopted child. Her name is Charlotte, she lives in utah. She is my mom's cousin's daughter, and I love her and her mom to death. Love ya Jacque!

This is her. SOOO CUTE!

3.I skipped kindergarden. So when I start high school, I will just have turned 13. Sad, isn't it?

The people I tag...



Jacque said...

Oh my gosh! you are the cutest chick in the world. haha
you're so sweet!
I hope we get to come see you guys!! I miss you like nuts!!

Sadie!! said...

i think your hair is soooooooooo cute!! i cant believe he put a cricket in your backpack!!

Unknown said...

Victoria, I love your new blog background,it is soooo cute!!! Who knew crickets could be so frightening?